Inline figure skating

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T         Toeloop
Lo        Loop Rittberger
F          Flip
Lz        Lutz
Usp     Upright Spin Standpirouette
LSp     Layback Spin Pirouette achterover/zijwaartsgeleund
CSp     Camel Spin Zweefpirouette
SSp     Sit Spin Zitpirouette
FUSp   Flying Upright Spin Ingesprongen standpirouette
FLSp   Flying Layback Spin Ingesprongen pirouette achterover/zijwaartsgeleund
FCSp   Flying Camel Spin Ingesprongen zweefpirouette
FSSp   Flying Sit Spin Ingesprongen zitpirouette
CUSp   Change Foot Upright Spin
CLSp   Change Foot Layback Spin
CCSp   Change Foot Camel Spin
CSSp   Change Foot Sit Spin
CoSp   Spin Combination with change of position and no change of foot
CCoSp Spin Combination with change of position and change of foot
SISt     Straight Line Step Sequence
CiSt     Circular Step Sequence
SeSt    Serpentine Step Sequence
SpSt    Spiral Step Sequence

Inline figure skates